App to listen to SURIA FM on the go that is more that just a radio app.
Mobile Application

Project Background
SURIA FM is Malaysia's favourite Bahasa Melayu language radio. With the most listener in the Bahasa Melayu language category, SURIA's listener is constantly increasing.
Looking at this demand, Star Media Group, SURIA FM's parent company decided to have their own radio app that lets listeners to tune in to everything SURIA. From listening to the radio, voting the SURIA music chart, watching LIVE session, to redeem vouchers.
My Role
As a UI/UX Designer, my main role is to design the interface of the app that supports all the functionality they want for their listeners.
This includes deep diving into each features, understand their requirements and designing how the experience for their users and for the SURIA operator in sending the information.

The Problem
Make an app to allow our users to listen to the radio and engage with its content everywhere they are.
The Solution
A radio app that allows their listeners to listen in-app, off-app, as well as listening in to LIVE sessions and giving out free voucher redemption.

Target Audience
All genders aged 23 to 40, live in the city as well as in the village in all states of Malaysia, they are fluent in Malay language yet able to read/communicate in English as well.

I was new in designing interfaces for dark theme.
Challenge on designing a mobile app as I have a limited experience in mobile app interface.
Challenges Solved
A thorough study on designing dark theme applications and research a lot on other apps to see how they did. In just 1-2 weeks, I understand how to create a nice dark-themed interface. Along the way, I also have the opportunity to learn and keep improving.
We opted for the cheapest and fastest user research method which is a survey and a moderated usability study later on.

In this project, I improved my user interface skill in mobile app. I understand better the differences between mobile app and website. It's also great that I learned how to make a dark mode app.

Try the app!
If you are in Malaysia, download the app on Play Store and App Store for free. Unfortunately, this app is not downloadable outside Malaysia.